Saturday, September 24, 2005

My skin feels all a thousand butterflys...fluttering conscious feeling drifting that comes at its own accord...
Not ever overwhelming just irritatingly there. I get up and take a shower..hoping the water will contract my dilating pores to the point where I can feel like its not there again.
When will this summer storm come?
This oppressive heat always gets to me, flooding my senses till I can take no more.

The dappled light that filters though the screen -shadows crossing my fingers as they play with the light. The book I'm reading tells of another world. Its never the same once you've been there- the magic just becomes more real. I love fantasy not knowing more...Mind pictures alluring calling me to daydreams. Can there be anything better?

I turn over as I have pins and needles in my left foot where its been stationary for a while. I can never be as comfortable as that moment of time when I have to open my eyes to a new morning. Then the covers seem to cling to me like a cocoon shield from life...Almost as if my body possessed by some wisdom in the unconscious realm knows better. That the sleep world would keep me safer.

I turn over the page and read past my minds games. The room turns dark, the play of light subtle now, shadows creeping in. Sweat drips down my neck into the words.
I turn the page and the rain comes hard against the corrugated roof in a hypnotic beautiful rhythm of nature that gives me relief, my mind filled with the sound.
Loud tormented drops of water crashing to the ground, moon smooth raindrops crashed apart. I always remember the rain when its gone.

I turn the page...


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